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Among Us Logic: Imposter School, previously Among Us Logic: Monster School, is the 29th episode of the series Among Us Logic.
Mr. Cheese and his new apprentice Happy try to take over Among Us using an army of evil trained pets. The one eyed dog, the squig, the hamster and even the brain slug Balthazar all work together to make sure the Imposters come out victorious. But will Player and the rest of the Crewmates figure out their dastardly plan? Make sure to watch the entire video to find out!
The episode begins with Happy teaching a class to a group of pets about "being the most vicious and deadly killng machines Among Us have ever seen".
Mr. Cheese then asks why Happy has a brainslug on his head, and points out that his brain slug, Balthazar will feed on Happy's brain waves and will eventually control all of his thoughts and emotions. Then Happy's mind gets controlled which convinces him to love Balthazar, and love and hail the mothership while the UFO is outside the window.
Mr. Cheese then has a plan to use the pets as his army and laughs in an evil tone, and Happy gets mind-controlled to laugh as well. Captain then asks if they are okay after he hears the laughter, and Mr. Cheese replies that they are just doing normal crewmate stuff, Captain then says he swore he had heard the maniacal laughter of two evil geniuses, Mr. Cheese then tells him that they remember a funny thing PoopyFarts said, Happy adds on that he said "fart" and Captain laughs, Mr. Cheese remarks that it was a close one. Mr. Cheese then wants Happy to make sure the pets are ready, and says that he should control his brainslug.
The game then starts with Mr. Cheese, Asdf and Happy as the impostors. Asdf is revealed as a bunch of pets in a spacesuit.
Captain starts speaking to Asdf, he then tries to shake Asdf's hand but Asdf does not shake his hand back, he then asks what there name is, but Asdf is silent. Captain then realizes that something is off about Asdf, but can't figure out what it is.
Mr. Cheese then replies that they only look different because they're not from around there. Happy adds on that Asdf is from Istanbul. Captain then points out that he spent an entire semester there as a foreign exchange student. Captain says that he stayed downtown in the old city, Happy then nervously replies that Asdf was from the other side of town. Mr. Cheese then orders the pets to attack Captain, the pets then follow his orders and kill Captain. Mr. Cheese and Happy then laugh in an evil tone.
It then cuts to Veteran going to Electrical to do a task, he then does the breaker task and goes to a bunch of the breakers, but cannot find breaker number one, he then gets stuck at a dead end. he then hears the Bedcrab crawling, and does not know what the sound was. He then decides he is going to leave Electrical by climbing up the ladder, but keeps getting lost and cannot find the ladder. he then hears more of the Bedcrab's crawling and says to the sounds to "Come out whoever you are, quit messing with my head", and the Bedcrab then returns to the other pets. Veteran then sees the ladder exclaiming that he is saved, the hamster pet then goes infront fo the ladder, and Veteran think's it's lost and should get out of there because of monsters creeping around there. The hamster then growls with an angry face and the pets kill Veteran.
Wizard then greets the viewers saying "All right, time for everyone's favorite character, Wizard, to finish his tasks", Wizard then does his final task by pulling the garbage bag out of the bin, but trash falls from the bag, after saying it will take forever to clean up, Wizard decides to use his magic powers to clean it up. the room is then clean and then Happy vents and kills Wizard, making blood splatter on the wall, Mr. Cheese then vents and Happy asks if he did good to Mr. Cheese and Mr. Cheese replies yes and then asks him where the pets are, Happy then says that he most have lost them in Electrical which makes Mr. Cheese angry. Happy then again gets mind-controlled with the UFO there to free the pets and hail the mothership.
It then shows Player trying to fix the showers, while he tries to fix it, the pets enter the room. While fixing it, he is then squirted by water from the shower and then sees the pets.
Captainās dead body is then reported. The Gentleman immediately clears PoopyFarts because they were together. Player thinks the impostor could be asdf as itās just a stack of various pets and the bean doesn't even have legs.
- Player (Crewmate; Abducted by The Mothership)
- Mr. Cheese (Impostor; Survives)
- Happy (Impostor; Survives)
- asdf (Impostor; Survives)
- TheGentleman (Crewmate; Survives)
- Stoner (Crewmate; Survives)
- PoopyFarts96 (Crewmate; Survives)
- Wizard (Crewmate; Killed by Happy)
- Veteran (Crewmate; Killed by asdf)
- Captain (Crewmate; Killed by asdf)
- Balthazar (Survives)
- The Mothership (Unknown; survives)
Cory Crater - Mr. Cheese
K. William Scott - Player, Veteran, Balthazar
Maxwell Dallas - Happy, Wizard
Ryan Stewart - Captain, The Gentleman, Stoner
- This is the first episode that doesnāt have the end credits.
- Instead, they put all the credits in the description for their video.
- This is the second episode with three impostors.
- The first being Among Us Logic 5.
- For some reason, before the round starts Mr. Cheese and Happy knew they were going to be impostors together.
- When Captain's body is reported, the old Dead Body Reported sound is heard instead.