Fall Guys Logic, abbreviated as FGL, is an animated cartoon parody series created by GameToons, based on the popular battle royale game Fall Guys. It takes place before the events of Among Us Logic, both episodically and canonically. Like Among Us Logic and Minecraft Logic, this series is told from the perspective of Player, who is called by the aliases "Noob" and "Pookie Bear" in this series, Who is playing Fall Guys matches with his best friend, Veteran.
The series follows Player, as he plays Falls Guys for the first time.
- Fall Guys Logic (August 29th, 2020)
- Fall Guys Logic 2 (September 12th, 2020)
- Fall Guys Logic 3 (August 3rd, 2022)
- K. William Scott as Player and Veteran.
- Abigail Turner as Noob.
- Cory Crater as Mr. cheese
- This series is the series that took the longest to return to GameToons.