Friday Night Funkin' Logic: Mid-Fight Masses This video was deleted by GameToons, nobody knows why this video was taken down either by Copyrighted Claim.
While trying to see if there was a bathroom in a church on a hill, Player and Girlfriend find themselves in a series of rap battles against Sarvente, Ruv, and Selever.
YouTube Description[]
"Player and Girlfriend stumble into a terrifying gothic church looking for a bathroom. What they don't realize is the Sarvente and the rest of the Mid-Fight Masses squad (Ruv, Selever and Rasazy) all are there to make sure Player loses once and for all in this epic Friday Night Funkin' Logic animation! "
The episode begins with a teaser of what is to come of the episode: a demonic nun yells at Player and Girlfriend telling them that they will not leave before transforming. As she transforms, the screen turns white and Captain announces the sponsor, Karma.
"Earlier That Day..."[]
After the sponsor, the episode actually begins with a nun pacing around a room in a church while on the phone with another person, trying to convince them to come by. Meanwhile, Player and Girlfriend are walking on a road in the middle of nowhere, with the latter drinking the rest of a slushie. Player is shocked that - after a first pack of ribs - she would be able to eat an extra large, extra cheese pizza and finish it with a 40 ounce slushie. He then asks why they are in the middle of nowhere, to which she replies that she doesn't remember before saying that she needs to find a bathroom. He tells her to go to the side of the road as there is no one around, but when she protests out of embarrassment, he decides to have them enter the "terrifying church on the hill" and see if it has a bathroom for her to use.
In said church, the nun continues trying to convince the other person on the phone to come to her church. They say something that somehow offends her, to which she calls unholy and reasons that she's a nun and can't go saying things like that. Somehow noticing the couple entering the church, she tells the person to come once more before hanging up and asking the couple if they would like to join her church. Girlfriend tells the nun that they were only here to use the bathroom. The nun tells her that only people of the congregation were allowed to use the facilities. Saying that he tried, Player tells Girlfriend that he will find her a bush, to which she gets embarrassed and protests again. The nun, holding up a microphone, tells the couple to give her a chance in convincing them to join. Player correctly interprets this as a rap battle and accepts her challenge, saying that he never backs down from the competition when Girlfriend asks if it can wait. With that, they sing the first song of the episode, Worship.
After the song, the nun starts to get annoyed at Player, assuming that he came to the church just to make fun of it, which he retorts by saying that he's treating the church with respect. Girlfriend comes back from the bathroom, having went while the nun and Player were rap battling. The nun then gets angry at her before a deep Russian-accented voice tells the nun that they would handle it. She happily greets the source of the voice - a Russian known as Ruv - and apologizes for him seeing her getting angry. He tells her to not worry and that it is his job to deal with riff-raffs like the couple.
The couple get annoyed for having Ruv call them riff-raffs, with Player stating that he and Girlfriend have normal names. Upon hearing them, however, the nun and Ruv find them to be whack. Player retorts by saying that their names are apparently "Sarv" and "Ruv" respectively and asserts that his and Girlfriend's names were better. The nun tells them that "Sarv" is short for "Sarvente" and Ruv states that his name is short for "Ruvyzvat". Sarvente leaves Ruv to deal with the couple, but they are already done with what they need to and prepare to leave. Ruv, however, closes the door on them and this forces Player into challenging him to a rap battle. As tensions rise, the song Zavodila begins.
After Ruv loses, Player and Girlfriend high five each other as he apologizes to Sarvente. She says it is fine, but he suspects that it is one of those times that she acts like it is okay even when she is upset. Sarvente, annoyed, reaffirms that she is fine, suddenly growing a fang and a pair of horns. Player and Girlfriend ask if it is okay for them to leave, especially since the latter says that she is apparently starving. Sarvente denies them to leave, saying that God may forgive them for revealing her true form, but she won't. Like in the teaser, she transforms. Now in her demon form, Sarvente challenges Player into one last song, Gospel.
After her second defeat, Sarvente transforms back into her human-like form and falls to the ground. Ruv tells her that there is no other choice but to call someone. She calls the specific person, who turns out to be their hypothetical son, Selever. Selever notes that the church looks like a wreck, to which she apologizes for. Girlfriend asks if she and Player can leave now, but Selever tells them no, saying that they were actually in an alternate universe he made to please his sister, Rasazy, who happens to be nearby. He proceeds in challenging Player into the last song of the episode, Casanova.
After Selever's defeat, he decides to destroy the alternate universe. Rasazay appears shocked as Selever tells her to say goodbye to Sarvente and Ruv, who immediately fade away. Player and Girlfriend run to escape the crumbling church, but a hole opens up in the ground and the two fall, ending the episode.
- Player (Alive)
- Girlfriend (Alive)
- Ruvyzvat/Ruv (alive)
- Sarvente/Sarv (alive)
- Selever (Unknown)
- Rasazy (Unknown)
- K. William Scott (Player)
- Abigail Turner (Girlfriend)
- This is the first Friday Night Funkin' Logic to not display rap battles in the traditional way. Starting from this episode, rap battles are animated.
- This is the first episode to use different camera views.