RESOLVED CONTROVERSY: This episode caused Tenzubushi, who composed the Tabi mod, to give GameToons a copyright strike. This shocked the team, as the Tabi mod was open source. The reason for the strike was, according to Tenzubushi, that GameToons was taking advantage of smaller YouTube channels. GameToons clarified on their Community page that they removed the Genocide track from the video because of the strike, and Tenzubushi removed it because of this.
GARCELLO, TABI & KAPI?! Friday Night Funkin' Logic is the 7th episode of Friday Night Funkin' Logic.
Player and Girlfriend duel it out against Garcello, Tabi and Kapi in this Friday Night Funkin' Logic cartoon!
The episode starts off when Player and Girlfriend hearing coughing from an alleyway. They go to see where it's coming from and end up meeting Garcello. They ask if Garcello is okay, in which Garcello replies with yes. After, he asks if Player wants to take a drag, in which Player declines. Garcello calls him smart and reveals that he only got into smoking because Daddy Dearest would probably kill him anyway. Player asks her why everyone he battles says something horrible about her dad, and Girlfriend states that what Daddy Dearest does during work hours is none of her business.
- Release (Player vs. Garcello)
- Nyaw (Player vs. Kapi)
- Genocide (Player vs. Tabi, Removed)
- Player (probably survived)
- Girlfriend (survived)
- Garcello (died)
- Kapi (likely survived)
- Tabi (presumably died)
- TheGentelman (Sponsor only)
- K. William Scott as Player
- Abigail Turner as Girlfriend
- Ryan Stewart as TheGentleman (Sponsor only)
- Jaicob Feliz as Tabi
- This is the second episode that uses question marks and exclamation marks in the title.
- The first being RETURN of TRICKY?! Friday Night Funkin' Logic.
- The original video proves Player truly loves Girlfriend, since after Tabi unleashes fire at Girlfriend, Player stands in front of her and sacrifices himself to protect Girlfriend.
- This is the first ever GameToons episode to be taken down because of the Tabi composer stating that they "stole" their music.