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Character Outfits Expressions

My name Mr. Cheese!
— Mr. Cheese's catchphrase

Charlie Cheesman, better known by his gamertag “Mr. Cheese,” is a GameToons mascot and prominent Among Us Logic character. He is comedic and hyper intelligent, although he often acts what would be considered idiotic. He is also an entrepreneur and is very keen on promoting and selling his ideas. His romantic interest is TheGentleman and he has an intense rivalry with Player and Mr. Egg. He takes care of his two dogs alongside TheGentleman called Cheddar and Toto.


His personality varies greatly between episodes, especially when comparing older episodes to new ones. In general, Mr. Cheese tends to be energetic, fun-loving, and a bit scatterbrained, but he has a hidden competent side that shines when he is an impostor. He can be quite selfish and immature, pouting when he doesn't get his way. He loves being the center of attention.


I love you too...
— TheGentleman, Among Us Logic 6


Mr. Cheese and TheGentleman are partners but have had a very, very complicated relationship. Their very first interaction in the series was him attacking Mr. Cheese because he found him to be annoying. TheGentleman has also been shown flirting with Mother and getting together with Mr. Egg while supposedly being with Mr. Cheese, causing him to act out in jealousy. He has also been shown striking Mr. Cheese across the face and strangling him while he cowers in fear. Mr. Cheese usually targets TheGentleman first when given the impostor role in Among Us Logic. Mr. Cheese likes to be open about his love for TheGentleman, openly telling him he loves him and hugging him in front of everybody while TheGentleman is a lot more reluctant. They have had no interactions outside of Among Us.

I may be egg-centric, but you’re a melt!”
— Mr. Egg cutting up Cheese, Mr. Cheese vs. Mr. Egg

Mr. Egg[]

Mr. Cheese hates Mr. Egg for replacing him as the Gentleman's work associate with great intensity (read: partner). In episode 5, he was so angry at Mr. Egg that he plotted out an elaborate scheme to disguise himself as Player and kill him. In revenge, Mr. Egg intended to kill him when he was assigned Impostor in episode 8; Mr. Cheese was also cold to Mr. Egg in that episode. However, in the Gametoons Gaming series, Mr. Cheese and Mr. Egg often agree with each other, and rarely show any signs of hatred.

That’s what you get Mr. Cheese... that’s what you get!! I love looking at your dead body...
— Player acting like his usual sane and normal self after finally getting his revenge on Mr. Cheese, GameToons Gaming


Player and Mr. Cheese may want to believe that they’re the chalk and cheese of their friend group, but they have a lot more in common than they’d like to admit. Mr. Cheese constantly belittles Player during their time together, calling him names, saying that he’s unlovable and mocks his desire to be admired as he sees Player as someone below him. Player doesn’t particularly like Mr. Cheese either, constantly leaving him behind, bickering back and forth with him and finding him to be an annoyance. Player is also shown to be jealous of the attention Mr. Cheese receives in their friend group, motivating their rivalry. Whenever Mr. Cheese and Player decide to team up together, it’s almost guaranteed to be a chaotic time for the duo and the people around them. Regardless of their tense friendship, it is shown occasionally that Player does have a soft spot for him. Player drops his usual unsympathetic self and shows great concern and empathy for Mr. Cheese after he breaks down over his usual relationship drama with TheGentleman in Among Us Logic 27, he also invites Mr. Cheese to join him and Noob as they control the killing games in SQUID GAME, but the Roles are Reversed.

In HALLOWEEN Takes Over GAMETOONS!, Mr. Che- Mr. Pumpkin plans an ambush against Player for stealing his spotlight as GameToons’ most popular character. After Mr. Pumpkin reveals himself as the perpetrator of the attack on Veteran, Captain and Player, he admits he did it all because he missed being with Player. This revelation showed that deep down despite Mr. Cheese’s aggression and teasing towards Player, he truly sees him as a close friend, he just doesn’t want to admit to liking or needing somebody like Player. In Among Us Logic 5, Mr. Cheese manages to disguise himself as Player almost perfectly, copying his mannerisms and voice in a way that shows he pays close attention to Player while they play video games together.

Oh, I see...
— A crushed Captain after Mr. Cheese tells him everyone intentionally ignored his birthday invitations, Among Us Logic 9


Mr. Cheese and Captain don’t seem to get along very well. While Captain usually tries his best to get along with everybody, Mr. Cheese’s constant teasing of him really gets to him and it shows through his lack of enthusiasm when Mr. Cheese is around. Mr. Cheese regards Captain as a useless moron that shouldn’t be taken seriously in the slightest and enjoys making personal jabs at Captain mocking his lack of friends and his obsession with Player. Mr. Cheese also chooses to betray Captain in Among Us Logic 15: Zombie Plague after being possessed by his zombie virus, as he decides to save Player over killing him at Captain’s command. Captain can’t stand Mr. Cheese’s intentional incompetence spoiling games for them, such as when they played Pico Park together. Mr. Cheese was startled when Captain dragged him back by the arm after he refused to answer any of his questions in CLUCKY'S Takes Over GAMETOONS…, showing that Captain is willing to drop his innocuous facade to get Mr. Cheese to cooperate with him.

Wait Mr. Cheese, you’re a genius!
— Veteran, Pico Park Logic


Veteran and Mr. Cheese are fairly similar in personality, with Veteran being a lot more laid back and unambitious. While Mr. Cheese can be more upfront with his desire to troll others, Veteran is more subtle. While Mr. Cheese targets Player and Captain in his tangents, Veteran prefers to stay out of it and just let it happen. Veteran is also a fan of Mr. Cheese’s love life, gossiping and gushing about him and TheGentleman. Mr. Cheese and Veteran have balance with one another when it comes to tolerance within their friend group.

HA HA! Mr. Cheese dum!
— Goober, Among Us Logic 2


Mr. Cheese brutally beats Goober to death by smashing them into the floor and stabbing them multiple times in Among Us Logic 2 after they insult his intelligence.

Not Orange[]

Mr. Cheese hates Not Orange for simply stealing his color in Among Us, even though Not Orange had claimed orange first.


"My name Mr. Cheese!"


"Toto? I don't think we're in Kansas anymore..."

"Wha——? What did I do?!”

"If Mother is not impostor. Then my name...... NOT Mr. Cheese"

"It's called Among Us, not Among I."

"Cheese louise!"

"Omae wa mou shindeiru!"

"R.I.P in peace, sweet prince."

"That's the good stuff."

"Bark bark, I'm a cat!"



  • Mr. Cheese has a speech impediment.
  • Mr. Cheese has owned a fast food restaurant called Cheese Louise!
  • Mr. Cheese has used multiple screennames, such as changing his name to Mr. Tree for Christmas and Mr. Pumpkin for Halloween.
  • When Mr. Cheese is the impostor in Among Us, he usually kills TheGentleman first, despite them being partners.
  • His name is Señor Queso in the Spanish dub.
  • Mr. Cheese has a known rivalry with supporting character Mr. Egg. In GameTunes' 24/7 stream layout, you could see a dartboard with Mr. Egg's picture on it pierced with darts.
  • He was the first character to die in the series.
  • He is tied with Captain for the second most appearances in Among Us Logic, being only second to Player who has appeared in every Among Us Logic episode.
  • Mr. Cheese has been the impostor that most out of any other character.
  • Mr. Cheese is the first LGBT character of GameToons along with TheGentleman.
    • It could be argued that out of the main Among Us Logic cast, 5/6 of them have some kind of connotation to being gay or bisexual. With Mr. Cheese and TheGentleman dating, Player admitting that he would date men in Friday Night Funkin’ Logic, Mr. Egg being the previous partner of TheGentleman and Captain’s extremely obvious bizarre crush on Player. Veteran is also very supportive of Mr. Cheese and TheGentleman, making the series very pro-LGBT.
  • Mr. Cheese is a lot more intelligent than he lets on. For example, he mimics Player perfectly and fools the entire lobby in Among Us Logic 5. He also made The GentleBot according to a line in Among Us Logic 14, which implies he knows how to code a bot and hack the game.
  • He is arguably the most popular character in the series. His increased presence in episodes is likely a response to his popularity with viewers.
  • His hat resembles a Cheesehead hat worn by fans of the Green Bay Packers football team. "Cheesehead" is also slang for a stupid person, which fits Mr. Cheese's dopey personality.
  • In The Life of Mr. Cheese, it is revealed he was born at Saint-Nectaire Hospital.
  • He has a pet dog Toto, which is named after a dog of the same name in The Wizard of Oz. Toto appears in only in Among Us Logic 7, 15, and 29. He is also mentioned in Among Us Logic 17.
  • He wears a cheese wedge in Among Us Logic, but in Henry Stickmin Logic, he wore a cheese slice.
  • In The Life Of Mr. Cheese, his first words were revealed to be "My name's Mr. Cheese!", his iconic catchphrase.


Main article: Mr. Cheese/Outfits

Among Us Logic (Series) by GameToons
Episodes Among Us Logic · Among Us Logic 2 · Among Us Logic 3 · Among Us Logic 4 · Among Us Logic 5 · Among Us Logic 6 · Among Us Logic 7 · Among Us Logic 8 · Among Us Logic 9 · Among Us Logic 10
Series Regulars Player · Veteran · Captain · Mr. Cheese · TheGentleman · Mr. Egg · Mother · Stoner · Gnome · Engineer · Dum · BDay · Rose · PoopyFarts96
Characters Noob · Angel · Sheriff · Greaser · Ninja · Cub · Goober · Blue · Not Orange · Mr. Mean Cook · Freezy · Chiz · Happy · Aiden · Duncan · Dr. Doktor · Ria · NoVisor · Asdf · SirClogsworth · Ms Pink · Bro · Hornsly · Rookie · Baggy · Blondie · Hunter · Wizard · Arnold Impostornater